Quote of the Day

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Reflections of My Life

Billy slipped quietly away on Thursday morning, dying peacefully at home, exactly as he wanted. We received the support of Community Hospice during the last few weeks of Billy’s life and we are so thankful for their help. We plan to have a Celebration of Life later this summer and we hope you will be able to join us then. We are appreciative of everyone's love and support and encourage you to continue to use this blog.  We also welcome donations to Community Hospice as a way to “pay it forward” on behalf of Billy.  Their contact information:

Community Hospice
4266 Sunbeam Road
Jacksonville FL

Billy asked that the following be conveyed to all:  
  • I want you to know that I love you.
  • I wish to be forgiven for the times I have hurt you. 
  • I forgive you if you may may have hurt me in my life.
  • I wish for my family and friends to know that I do not fear death itself. I think it is not the end, but a new beginning for me.
  • I want all of my family to make peace with each other, if they can.
  • Think about what I was like before I became seriously ill. Remember me in this way.
  • I wish for my family and friends to respect my wishes even if they don’t agree with them.
  • I want you to look at my dying as a time of personal growth for everyone, including me. This will help give meaning to my life.
  • I wish for my family and friends to get counseling if they have trouble with my death. I want memories of my life to give you joy and not sorrow.
If anyone asks how I want to be remembered, please tell them:
 -- "Some of it’s magic, some of it’s tragic, but I had a good life all the way."

Love Billy and Darlene

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Changes -- quick update

Billy has been talking a lot lately about quality vs quantity of life.  We've been having this conversation since he was diagnosed, but recently it's become a focal point. 

Although his recent MRI seemed positive, the fact remains that there is nothing absolute about the treatment and symptoms of GBM.  The last few weeks have been more and more trying -- fatigue (sleeping 20 hours a day) and weakness with the inability to stand; more confusion and loss of short term memory.  We were supposed to see his oncologist last week and Billy just didn't want to go.  He has chosen (for the time being) to give treatment (Avastin and Chemo) a break.  To ensure the best "quality" of life, we met with Community Hospice this morning.  We will be receiving medical and psycho/social assistance here at home with Darlene continuing as his primary caregiver.  We are keeping our options open, and can restart treatment at any time. 

Your love and support is encouraged and appreciated although Billy has a very difficult time with the phone.  He is fighting a thrush infection which has reduced his voice to a whisper.  Cards, text messages, emails and this blog are a great way to let him know you're thinking of him.

We want everyone to understand that this is a positive step and should not be construed as "refusing" treatment or "giving up."  Our outlook remains optomistic and we find something to smile about every day.

We'll keep you posted.  Everyday is a new adventure.


Billy and Darlene