Quote of the Day

Saturday, September 25, 2010

To Duke and Back Again

The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center
# 3 Baker House
Perhaps we had set our sights too high, but the trip to Duke was a strange mix of ups and downs.  After an intake session and extensive exam by Dr. Emil Lou, we spoke for several minutes with Dr. Friedman.  The MRI and pathology are uncertain -- the doctors at Duke think the tumor may be a grade 3 instead of grade 4.  This would be wonderful news, but comes with no guarantees and makes us ineligible for any of the trials or vaccines, so we've been sent back home with a juiced up protocol for chemotherapy (which will be monitored by our local oncologist) and a repeat MRI in one month.   We'll be heading back to Duke in November for a follow up.  We have a team working for us at Duke which includes neuro-oncologist Dr. Vredenburgh, his PA, a nurse practioner and a social worker along with Dr. Valente here in Jacksonville.  We met with the nurse practioner and the social worker on our second day and they provided us with some really good information and resources.  It's a great team to have on our side, but we are finding that there are no easy answers and very little is black and white in the world of brain tumors. 

Feeling a little worn out and need more positive energy sent our way.

Love,  Billy and Darlene

1 comment:

  1. We have been thinking about you guys. hopefully the good vibes have been making it all the way from wyoming.
